This morning was a cool change but as it’s climbing to 29 later in the day, we set out early to beat the heat (and day trippers) and visit the Berat Castle which is just a few hundred meters from our bnb (which is pictured below). We have the whole 3rd floor of this pink 4 storey villa!

Surprise pony inside the castle walls. I’m pleased to report that Noelle had a great nights sleep and after a big bowl of Dahl for breakfast she’s been positively delightful.

This laddy is always delightful (albeit it still fairly wakeful overnight).

Holy Trinity Church.

Nice to get some shots of Noelle not in the carrier!

Very happy with all the snails they’ve collected. They were everywhere.

Miniature roses.

Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption.

Trad sesh just outside the castle walls

Home for more Dahl and a siesta!

Jesse and I got stuck into the “Originale” olive oil. We opted to have it with fresh bread and basil from the garden rather than straight up like the woman who sold it to us though.

Next stop was the post office to pay a parking fine we got yesterday. Still not sure where it said that parking was prohibited but paying early meant it was only $25 which is a pretty good deal for inner city parking really (by Australian standards anyhow!)

Two cute tortoises having a little amble up the mountain side.

I was really curious about the building in the background with the huge dome. Turned out to be nothing more than a really bougey hotel.

Just another structure named after old Ali Pasha.

Gelato break.

Went back to the Taverna from yesterday for a late lunch/early dinner as it really was the best food we have had since arriving in Europe. The Nonna even managed to get a cuddle out of Noelle today. It was the cook’s birthday I think so we all ended up having to eat their birthday cake afterwards!

Jesse didn’t miss the photo op this time.  Local specialty “Vienez” which is veal and cheese crumbed. Like a rolled up schnitzel guess? Meatballs in tomato and onion, stuffed capsicums and salad.

We were all feeling like stuffed capsicums ourselves by this stage so decided another Apple Maps special hiking route was on the cards. In search of a cliff side church this time.
Gio has been handling the challenges like a champ. Jesse’s smart watch tells us we have been averaging 12k a day and generally 50 or so floors climbed. Gio is always leading the way with a smile and has plenty of encouragement (or heckling) for his Olds hauling the free loading siblings up behind him.

Found the Church of St. Michael but the gate was locked. Still enjoyed some ripper views though! And decided to carry on all the way over the top of the mountain to the castle again as the way back down was far less treacherous that side. One of the buskers from lunch was still going strong 7 hours on!
Home now and packed up for an early start  tomorrow which will be our final day in Albania. 4 hours on the road and we will be attempting our first ever border crossing in a vehicle. Hopefully our hire car company did their paperwork right and North Macedonia don’t refuse us entry! 🇲🇰